How To Safely and Effectively Vacuum Carpeted Stairscases

If your staircase is fully carpeted and your household is a busy one, it will see plenty of action. Vacuuming correctly is essential to keep your carpeting looking fresh and can also prevent dirty tracks from forming on the stairs. Footpaths on the stairs can eventually lead to the carpet becoming worn and thin, a problem made worse by accumulated dirt wearing down the carpet fibres.

Here's a guide on the correct way to vacuum your staircase carpet.

Change the bag or empty the cylinder

Before you begin, check to see that the vacuum cleaner bag is not full or that the cylinder is empty. It's important to do this because a full bag or cylinder will contain bacteria that will begin to smell unpleasant when you start the vacuum cleaner. If the cleaner is malodourous, you may also need to wash the filters before you start.

Clear the area

Remove any discarded objects from the staircase that could cause a trip hazard. Also, collect any large pieces of dirt or bits of paper that could clog your vacuum cleaner; a dustpan and soft brush are ideal for this job.

Work from the bottom of the stairs upwards on your hands and knees; your lower centre of gravity will mean that there is less chance that you will lose your balance. You should never work from the top of the stairs downwards in a standing position; you could easily overbalance and fall.

Use the nozzle and don't forget corners

If you look closely at the corners of your staircase treads, you will notice a build-up of dust and fluff. Start vacuuming the staircase by using the hose and crevice tool attachment to get right into the corners of each tread and running along the edges too.

Change the nozzle for the horizontal brush and work your way back up the stairs, vacuuming the horizontal surface of each one as you go.

Turn the nozzle upside down and go over the stairs again, vacuuming the vertical surface in an up-and-down motion.

In conclusion

You can help to prevent your staircase carpet from becoming worn and grubby by vacuuming it every other day following the guidelines given above. It's also worth having your staircase carpet professionally cleaned on an annual basis, especially if you have a very busy household or pets. This can help to extend the life of your carpet and keep it smelling fresh too.
